Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Art time

First colouring - by Allyson Tan (Age 2)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kinder Beat

About Kinder Beat
Kinder Beat is an Australian music program developed in Brisbane. It is vibrant and contempory. The classes are for children from 3 to 5 years old and are heaps of fun, while learning about the foundation skills of music . The classes involved singing, movement and dance, rhythm, beat and metre, percussion playing, music reading at a very basic stage , kayboard games as an introduction to learning the piano.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Logico (In Mandarin version) : http://zaojiao.net/


Bali trip in year 2007

Am I look like Balinese

Yummy birthday cake

Yummy chocolate cake from Movenpick Hotel at Phuket Island

I love chocolate

Phuket Island

I love swiming

Allyson 1 year old (celebrate at Phuket Island)

Go to Zoo

Melacca trip in year 2008


  1. 用熟鸡蛋 :Take out egg york, put in silver ring + hair+冲草, 用手帕包, 擦whole body. Can apply vicks on skin & egg.

  2. 惊风散 : 涂在head +胸口+手心+肚子

  3. 药粉($2) + egg white, 包在脉搏(pulse) for overnight


  1. 用熟鸡蛋:Take out egg york, put in silver ring + hair, 用手帕包, 擦whole body. Can apply vicks on skin & egg.

  2. 惊风散 : 擦在太阳穴, 手掌 & 脚掌

  3. Silver ring 包在肚脐一个晚上

Diarrhoea (腹泻):
用锅 (炒菜锅),煮 7 次水。(6 次煮 到干, 第7次煮到剩下一点,才拿来喝)


让初生儿喝(地胆头)的汁, baby 会把赃物呕吐出.

Web ref

Brightly Beaming Resources; http://www.letteroftheweek.com/index.html


First school; http://www.first-school.ws/


Encyclopedia of Life : http://www.eol.org/

Recipies (homemade babies food)







Egg: Canadian Egg Marketing Agency; http://www.eggs.ca/

Brithish Columbia Egg Producers; http://www.bcegg.com/

Alberta Egg Producers; http://www.eggs.ab.ca/

Saskatchewan Egg Producers; http://www.saskegg.ca/

Monitaba Egg Producers; http://www.mbegg.mb.ca/

Ontario Egg Producers; http://www.eggsite.com/

Federation Des Producteurs; http://www.oeuf.ca/

Nava Scotia Egg Producers; http://www.nsegg.ca/

Annabel Karmel; http://www.annabelkarmel.com/ .

Danielle Bean (Catholic mother & author) ; http://daniellebean.com/?do=recipes

Tuesday, August 05, 2008